
Digital Naturalism Laboratories (dinalab) is a new jungle prototyping studio. We have a 235m2 facility located in the Soberania Rain Forest in Panama. Our goals are to:

  • Help field biologists build their own experimental tools
  • Help designers explore new interactions with nature
  • Discover new ways of experiencing the natural world

We are also keen on documentation and open-source dissemination of all knowledge in a variety of media! So whether you are a scientist, artist, designer, hacker, or anyone excited to explore nature and technology you will find something interesting at DINALAB.

Kitty and Andy just started setting it up in February 2019, and it will only get more and more awesome! Stay tuned for more updates about current guest residency opportunities, The Digital Naturalism Conference, and how you can get involved!


Mothbox in the Field

You saw a Mothbox – Mothbox – Automated Field Moth Light Camera in the field! Visit these links for more information about this open source scientific tool: Mothbox Code and FilesMothbox Project PageMothbox Gathering for Open Science Hardware Please contact ANDY AT DINALAB.NET if you need more information! Hopefully the mothbox was covered with moths …

Thinking with Moss: Moss Breath and the Jungle Smallification Device

I was invited to join the “Thinking with Moss” colloquium about moss held at NYU. After our day of gathering together and discussing the role of moss in the world, we were asked to freely contemplate the discussions and produce something. It is wonderful to be given such an opportunity. One thing I was most …